Sunday, July 29, 2012

Waited on this lady named Debra, she was my last table for the lunch shift. She opened up to me. I hope I can show her this one day.


Anxiety taking over the
Taking over the 
Things that you enjoy
Are coming and leaving
Only to "destroy"
It's all in your mind
It's all in your thoughts
But that's what you tell
Yourself over and over
And others
Will say

The same thing you've told yourself All day

But it's easy said than
As always 
The thoughts race
Your heart
Giving you
No place to start

Cancer in the throat
Is quite a test
To tell  your 28 year old son
Is the rest
Of you

That you want to ignore 
The rest of you that
Try's to assure

That everything might turn out ok
Everything might see another day

So heart stop racing
I am not competing
Slow down
So that I can grasp
The meaning
To staying alive in the moment

Staying alive even though
Death is potent

Smelling fresh air instead,
Of your own stench

Hold your mouth
Your fist
Be angry
It's natural

To feel deserving
Of the thought

That you might not have much time left
And then you're caught

Caught in a new perspective
Giving up the fight
And taking
Your  right
To live in this dreadful moment
Inside your head that
Will go away as you lay in bed

Dreaming dreams that won't go away
Only wondering if that
Dream will come to play 

Take life as a lesson
And a lesson as a life

Everything you think of will come to pass

Don't take for granted the things that won't last. 

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